Ideas to get your kids playing outdoors again!
Unstructured outdoor play is vital for the positive mental and physical well-being of your child. Studies show that South Australian children spend an average of 4.5 hours a day in…
Unstructured outdoor play is vital for the positive mental and physical well-being of your child. Studies show that South Australian children spend an average of 4.5 hours a day in…
The crash mat is one of the most important pieces of equipment we use at OTFC. Not only does it make sure your kids are safe and able to engage…
How much time should children be spending on screens? How much time does your child spend on screens per day? A lot of parents or carers would say “too much,…
Co-RegulationA lot of children who come to OTFC have difficulties with regulation. There are several types of regulation and you may have heard your OT use terms such as self-regulation,…
We revisit our favourite resources in this weeks blog, and will be looking at oral motor toys. These toys are used just about every day in the clinic, serving a variety of…
Here is a common situation in the clinic: A child is engaged in an activity with the therapist, then the therapist begins to discuss something with the parent. The child notices…